To apply to the 2019 Alberta Pianofest as a participating student, please provide the following items:
1. Completed application form – 2 paper copies see details
2. Recording of the applicant’s playing – 1 CD (or online video) see details
3. Application fee (non-refundable) – $35 see details
April 1st, 2019 (priority)
May 15th, 2019 (space permitting)
Download Application Form (PDF)
1. Application Form: Mail the completed paper application form, with the applicant’s CD recording enclosed, to the Philadelphia address below. Mail a duplicate paper copy of the completed application form, with enclosed payment of the application fee, to the Edmonton address below. Be sure that names and email addresses are legible. Applications received after April 1st will be considered for the May 15th deadline, subject to available spaces. Incomplete applications may not be considered. Applications NOT accepted by email. Download Application (PDF)
2. Applicant Recording:
• 1 compact disc preferred. CD must be playable on standard stereo equipment and not require computer software to playback.
• Alternative: YouTube videos. To send a video in lieu of CD, check “YouTube” box on application form – upon notification of receipt of the application, applicant will at that time be requested to email YouTube links to Festival Director.
• CD or video recording consisting of TWO contrasting, classical piano works from different style periods. Recordings must have been made within the past 2 years.
• CDs and CD cases should be labeled with the applicant’s name and age. CDs will not be returned to applicants. If sending youtube links, include applicant name and age in email when prompted.
• Previous Alberta Pianofest students: If you attended the 2017 festival, the recording requirement is waived. However, submitting a recent recording with the 2019 application is advised.
3. Application Fee: A money order or cheque in the amount of $35 made payable to the Alberta Pianofest Society must be included with the duplicate paper application and mailed to the Edmonton address below. Funds in Canadian dollars (CAD) for applicants residing in Canada. For applicants residing outside of Canada: a $35 cheque or money order in U.S. dollar (USD) funds, made payable to The Alberta Pianofest Society, is required. All application fees are non-refundable.
Application Mailing Addresses
Send completed application form + CD to:
Jason Cutmore
c/o Society Hill Mail & Parcel Service
614 S. 8th Street #294
Philadelphia, PA 19147
The Alberta Pianofest Society
#21, 2031 Brennan Crescent
Edmonton, AB T5T 0W3
Students will be notified via email as to the success of their application.
about the academy
student finances
2019 faculty